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Let's Meet

I'm Clair, A Writer, Certified Professional Life Coach, Mother, and Wife

I am an author, speaker, certified EFT and TFT practitioner, and the mindset coach for anyone who has ever let life in it's many messy, scary forms derail their writing journey. Why? Because that was me in 2008. In the middle of the mess with a job I hated, kids to raise, a mother who needed more care than I was able to give, and a marriage teetering on the edge from it all I lost my joy of writing. It got so bad, that I wanted to write, but felt guilty when I did, so I didn't, then felt guilty because I wasn't writing. Sound familiar?

Fast forward to today, I am happy to announce my 7th historical romance novel is going to be released tomorrow from the creation of this document. My daughters survived me raising them, for the most part, my husband and I are stronger than we have ever been, my mother has passed, but I think lovingly about her everyday, and I got my writing joy back!

Now, I am here to help you through the journey of getting back to your joy too with mindset shifts, and deep tours into your fears and anxieties that we all, as writers have. By setting and achieving goals around a new mindset you will learn resilience, gratitude, grace for yourself, and the love you once had for a craft that is no doubt on your heart like it is on mine.

Unlike "writing" coaches, I will work with you, the writer, on your beliefs, values, goals, surrounding your writing and writing aspirations. We will not try to work through plot holes of your current WIp. By helping you rise above the tide of all the "stuff" we carry, you will be able to get back into that chair and get words on the page, or finally finish, edit, query, or publish the book in your heart. Whatever your publishing goal I will help you clear the way for your potential and success.

Contact me for a complimentary "Get to know me" session. A 30min session to see if I'm your cup of tea and leave this session with at least one action item to get you started on your mindset renewal journey.


Coaching Packages-Coming Soon!

Women in a coaching session

Registration Closed, but sign up for the waitlist for next time.

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Coming Soon!

 Are You Blocked or is This Just Your Process?
Self-Guided Workbook

Blog Articles

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